A downloadable game for Windows

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The hair in the wall

A scary obsession

"You've just moved in.
New house. New job. New life.

While you were mounting some shelves,
you noticed something down in the basement.

A hair in the wall."

Thus begins a steep descend into madness and obsession.

A short horror experience that will be surely appreciated by long time Silent Hill fans.

Inspired by Junji Ito's works.

Remember: behind those bytes there's a real person who cares for you and your entertainment.
Consider a donation tip when downloading this game.

Minimum system requirements:
-O.S.: Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
-CPU: Pentium® III 800 MHz or higher
-Screen resolution: 800x600
-Free hdd space: 100mb
-Free ram space: 128mb
-GPU memory: 32mb
-DirectX®: DirectX® 8.0 or higher 

Official Discord


Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
(29 total ratings)
AuthorAndrea Pignataro
Tags2D, Atmospheric, Dark, Experimental, First-Person, Ghosts, Gore, Horror, Monsters, Surreal
Average sessionA few seconds
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, Subtitles, High-contrast, One button
LinksTwitter, Patreon


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The hair in the wall.exe 7.3 MB


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do not forget 

to comb your hair


Short but Sweet! :)

Thanks! 👍
Feel free to try the redux version as well. 😉
It's a different, and in many ways, even better experience.


This game was actually pretty terrifying. I have OCD, so the idea of becoming obsessed with something like a hair in the wall, isn't that far-fetched for me, although I very much doubt that I would ever do what is done in the game. Just know that I really enjoyed this game, and I'm excited to play your other games like it.


Thank you! This is a very early game in my productions history, and the ones that came before it are very much first experiments in game design (thus of a really eclectic nature).
Glad you're enjoying them nonetheless. 👍


Бывало ли у вас такое, что вы не знаете английского, а заглядывать в словарь - как-то не хочется? Ну, тогда я перевела для вас текст на русский язык. И, естественно, поиграла в игру. 

I gave this a go and it starts at 30:05

h a i r.

I want you to know I've now played the original and the redux version of this game on our channel and everyone adores it.  Thanks so much for this.


Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! 👍
If you feel like sharing the videos here... please be my guest! 😉


I really enjoyed this! :D

the ending is kinda sad

For a more refined experience (and an expanded ending sequence), please, check the Redux edition out:
Thank you! 👍


A simple but good game.

We enjoyed it very much.

Here is a short video we made while playing it:

Keep up the good work!!!

Thanks! 👍

Greetings! The game is simple but I quite enjoyed it. It was a bit strange, almost like a decent into madness, while being obsessed over this one hair in the wall. 

The ambient noise in the background made things quite creepy, and the jump scare in the end got me just a bit. Overall it was a pretty solid horror experience that I quite enjoyed.

I hope you don't mind but I made a short let's play of the game.

Cheers and best wishes!


Very good although the jumpscare at the end is unnecessary :)

(1 edit)

Thank you! 
Regarding the jumpscare... well, there was a subtle meaning behind it. But you know, this game was one of my first "experiments" on the same matter I thoroughly perfectioned through my other games, which led to the most "critically acclaimed" one:

Between "The Hair In The Wall" and "sleepthrough" (and after) I released many other games, always trying to push the boundaries of what is perceived as an "experience" rather than a "game". 
Just take a look here: https://approductions.itch.io/
Among them you can find other Junji Ito, David Lynch, and "Silent Hill" related references (since they are part of the main "inspirational-background" behind everything I create).
This is a personal selection of those I'd like you to try (in order of release):
But feel free to start with sleepthrough to give to "that well refined horror game" a humble (but deserved) chance. 😉
Thanks again and bye! 👋

ohhhh will do, thanks!


Short but creepy game. I'm a huge fan of Junji Ito and his "Tomie" series. This game does justice to Ito ... even the game's name sound Ito-esque! As for the Silent Hill references, they were well-tailored and didn't feel out of place.

That was an interesting game, yet very simple. I am a huge fan of obsession when it comes to anything, books, games, movies, and it has to be done REALLY well. On that note, because of how simple this was, the ways you did it were really great, I love how we saw the flash of it on the computer and how we convinced ourselves that we needed to go out and buy a power tool to figure out what's going on, but not just any power tool, it had to be the most expensive one, it's those small details like that I appreciate so good job. As far as what this is all supposed to mean, that's lost for me, but that's totally fine lol, i'm not sure if we're inside our own head, if he's lost his memory after killing the wife, if he can't live with himself and his mind suppressed it or he had a disorder, but I still enjoyed the game. The only thing that got me a little bit was the jump scare and that just, omg i'm in love with the cheesiness of it! Hahaha, but i've looked at your page and i'm eyeing some of your other games so I look forward to whatever you'll be putting out next! 

Gave it a go...

Pretty spooky. Nice job.


This was great! I loved playing this game and I hope you enjoy the YouTube video I made of it :)

Thank you!
I'm gonna watch it right now! 👍
It's so kind of you to try one of my earliest games. 😊
THITW was a game I made back when I was learning how to set up the basis for a very unsettling experience.
Overall, a huge unexpected success (I think it's one of the most let's played games I've ever made).
So, feel free to play anything you like from here: https://approductions.itch.io/
They're all free! 😃

hey Andrea, i played "the hair on the wall", it was cool, also i think i should call you a troll, because of that nasty jumpscare at the end, nah i am just kidding! Anyway, since you told me that this game is old, i decided to play it first then "sleepthrough" then "the corpse in the window", okay ? btw that jumpscare was good, it really did get me, good job, anyway bye for now! Peace.

and of course, my video :

Hope you enjoy my video as much as i enjoyed your game!

Cool video! Thank you! 👍
Yeah, the jumpscare was meant to be an abrupt ending for the sudden realization of what the reality had been all the time.
Seems everyone liked it though. "The hair in the wall" is one of the most (if not THE most) let's played game I made.
Looking forward to the other videos... 😉

i like this, simple but interesting??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBNur0vky7c

(1 edit)

Rawr, hello everyone! Made a video about this game too :P Quick but, enjoyable!



This was a very strange game, but I will give it credit - it had me contemplating its meaning looooooooong after I played it. Not many games can do that.

Thank you!
I've to say that your conclusions were going quite right at the end of the video... ;)
Well, thank you again and if you liked it then let me suggest you to try my latest 2 games, which in a way or another share similarities with THITW:

In Memory of the Eternity


Enjoy! :)


Thank you for the links! I will definitely check them out!

- T.C.


I really liked this game!

I made a Lumps Plays Quickie out of it. Check it out :)

Thanks for making it!


Thanks to you for the video! ;)